Stuart Jonas

0417 591 463
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Candidate Statement

I’m a pastured pig and cattle farmer at Eganstown, where I’ve lived with my family for the past nine years. We are committed to regenerative agricultural practices, working to create a localised, sustainable and socially just food system. We are always striving to improve how we steward the land we manage and the broader landscape that our farm impacts.

We are committed to the circular economy, upcycling everything from waste food as pig feed to discarded equipment from the tip to build solar powered water pumps. We have observed the impacts of climate change here in Hepburn, across Australia and the world, and do everything in our power to reduce emissions, and pass on healthy land to future generations.

We are living in challenging times, with threats from climate change, loss of biodiversity, pandemics, and a steady erosion of our democratic rights. I believe that everyone in the community should have a say in how our shire is governed, from how our rates are spent to what laws are passed and amended. I decided to run for a council position to personally ensure that council maintains a true ear for the local community, and to ensure that the council is a genuinely democratic institution that listens and responds to the views of all members of the local community.

Before becoming a farmer, I worked for over a decade as a project manager in the building automation industry, and some years before that I worked in local government as a statutory planner. From these careers to my current position as a local business owner, I have strong financial, governance and risk management skills.

There has never been a more urgent time to elect councillors committed to reducing waste, promoting sustainability, supporting small businesses, and listening to the community.

Authorized by S.Jonas 129 Morgantis Rd, Eganstown, 3461